Enslaving the millions: a glossary

aristocraciesgovernment by a herditary ruling class, sometimes referred to as the nobility
avaricegreediness, normally for money or wealth
Barbary (Barbary Coast)region of Northern Africa between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean
cededto give up or surrender
delinquentswrong-doers, people who break the law
democraciesgovernment by the people, normally through elected representatives (such as MPs)
depredationsattacks, raids
despotismgovernment in which the ruler exercises absolute power
fortitudestrength of mind which gives a person courage
governorperson appointed to run a colony
hedonisticdevoted to pleasure
imputedblamed, given responsibility for. In this case, accused.
lobbytrying to influence people who make the laws
merchant adventurerspeople seeking to make a fortune
Monarchiesgovernment by a king or queen (or equivalent)
nativesindigenous people, people already living in a place, region or country
polygamyhaving more than one spouse (husband or wife) at a time
resignationacceptance of a situation
Senegala country on the West Coast of Africa
systematicmethodical, done step-by-step
waneddecreased gradually