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People and Punishments, 1836

Your task
This handbill gives details of the sentences passed on prisoners at the Assizes of 1836. We can compare the evidence in this source to that contained in the 1786 Calendar to see how both crime and punishment changed over time. Read the source carefully (you might want to use the enlarged version), concentrating on the information relating to Durham, and then answer the questions. You might want to use the worksheet to record your thoughts.

1. How does this bill differ from the 1786 Calendar?

2. Is there any great change in the numbers of cases being brought before the Assize Judges?

3. Have the crimes changed in nature since 1786?

4. How many ‘No Bills’ are there in 1836 compared to 1786?

5. What have been the major changes in the way criminals are punished in the period between 1786 and 1836?

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This resource can also be used for the study of citizenship.