Source 1Extract from a paper entitled ‘The Roman Catholic Attitude to Cremation’ by Rev. Fr. Donald W H Dorsett published in Pharos, 1962. Your task is to discover why cremation took so long to become an acceptable practice in this country. This source might give you some ideas. Once you have read the source, try answering the questions below. You can use the worksheet to record your thoughts. Things to consider… (a) Make a list of all the reasons mentioned in the extract why cremation was favoured by the ancient Greeks and Romans? (b) Make a note of why the author believes Jews opposed cremation. (c) What do you think the people mentioned in the source believed about life or death? How does this differ from modern-day Christian belief? (d) Does this source tell you anything about why cremation took so long to be considered acceptable? If so, what. Source 2Extract from a paper entitled ‘The Roman Catholic Attitude to Cremation’ by Rev. Fr. Donald W H Dorsett published in Pharos, 1962. Your task is to discover why cremation took so long to become an acceptable practice in this country. This source might give you some ideas. Once you have read the source, try answering the questions below. You can use the worksheet to record your thoughts. Things to consider… (a) Make a list of all the reasons mentioned in the extract why cremation is considered to be unacceptable. (b) This article was written a year before the Pope lifted a ban on Roman Catholics from being cremated. Do you think this has any impact on what the article is saying? (c) What does this author think about life or death? How does it fit in with 21st century Christian beliefs? (d) Does this source tell you anything about why cremation took so long to be considered acceptable? If so, what. Source 3Extract from an article entitled ‘The Religious Aspect of Cremation’ by Professor Dr G Van der Leeuw, published in Pharos, 1948. Your task is to discover why cremation took so long to become an acceptable practice in this country. This source might give you some ideas. Once you have read the source, try answering the questions below. You can use the worksheet to record your thoughts. Things to consider… (a) Read the first paragraph. What does this author say he believes in? (b) How does this differ from Greek and Egyptian beliefs? (c) What does this author mean by ‘Resurrection’? (d) Does this source tell you anything about why cremation took so long to be considered acceptable? If so, what. Source 4Source 4a: Extract from an article entitled ‘Cremation and Religion’ by Sheba Hargreaves, published in Pharos, 1945. Source 4b: Extract from a leaflet written by Rt Rev Bishop Heywood entitled ‘Why I support Cremation’, 1949.
Your task is to discover why cremation took so long to become an acceptable practice in this country. This source might give you some ideas. Once you have read the source, try answering the questions below. You can use the worksheet to record your thoughts. Things to consider… (a) What reason does the author of Source 4a give for why some people are opposed to cremation? (b) Does the author agree? Why do do you think that? (c) What does the writer of source 4b believe about Resurrection? (d) Do these sources tell you anything about why cremation took so long to be considered acceptable? If so, what. Source 5Extract from a pamphlet entitled ‘Cremation and the Resurrection’, 1874. Your task is to discover why cremation took so long to become an acceptable practice in this country. This source might give you some ideas. Once you have read the source, try answering the questions below. You can use the worksheet to record your thoughts. Things to consider… (a) According to this author, why are most people buried? (b) What do you think the author believes? Why? (c) Does this source tell you anything about why cremation took so long to be considered acceptable? If so, what. |